21. 2011
series of non-coincidentally coincidental events have bestowed
self-awareness upon me. It has become both my best friend, and my
worst nightmare. It’s like something out of the Twilight Zone, in a
way. What happens when everything you thought you knew was tainted by
a difference in perception you were never fully aware that you had?
Through this overly intellectual naiveté. I'd come to think that was
the way things were until I go back in time and really try to think
about it.
knew I was different on some deep inner level, always. However, like
a truly logical person, I couldn't really grasp what wasn't being
validated. Then again, in the name of logic, I simply could not
accept the labels I was being given. They just did not feel right, or
correct. They feel like judgments, and inaccurate ones at that. In
fact, it all felt like a total injustice somehow, though I didn't
know exactly how.
may have known who I was when I was very small. I was quiet, careful,
and cautious. Protective of my fragility. But as I grew older, I
began to feel lonely. I watched the kids at school, in awe.
watched them talk to each other, then I would carefully approach
them, and join in at the right time, perfectly timed. If I wasn't
sure of the right time, I would withdraw myself. I was timid in
groups, but a bit of a little boss at home.
my play meant living in my own fantasy world where dolls were
fairies, bears were care bears, and horses were unicorns. They were
my playmates, mostly. Other than those I was willing to let in, once
and awhile. The figurines did not demand to change the script, the
plan. This was much more comforting.
girls in my kindergarten and first grade classrooms mothered me. I
was half-dependent on it, and half resentful of it, but I said
nothing. I didn't know how or what to say, so I remained subservient
and cooperatively dutiful.
all, I did love my fair few little friends. They were like guiding
lights. Still, I had to trust them first, and I preferred play dates
be at my
house. Unfamiliar environments frightened me. The one sleepover I had
at another child’s house terrified me. I did not partake in any
more of them, until I was a lot older.
was always very appeasing and apologetic, if I said or did something
I felt was silly. I self-deprecated as young as 7 years old, shyly
telling a girl at her birthday party “don't bother with the card,
the printing is terrible, and you won't be able to read it.”
some reason, in second grade many of those kids began to turn on me.
It both shocked me, and infected my heart. This was my first taste of
true social rejection. As our ages increased, my social
idiosyncrasies became more obvious. I couldn't hide them like I had
been previously getting away with, and this brought rejection. I
began to feel like a failure, a disappointment. At seven, I began to
subtly hate myself. I now knew that I couldn't do certain things
as well as my peers.
we began to learn sports in second grade, it was like I'd arrived in
Hell. I didn't understand what
could be so fun about
spontaneously bouncing a ball back and forth to each other! The first
thing that came to my mind, when a ball would come at me, was move
out of the way. This was to prevent myself from being hit by it. I
couldn't stand being
hit or bumped by an object, it was as bad to me as bumping into
was pretty weak, I was clumsy, and so I had to be careful in order
for this to not happen to me. Sometimes it did anyway. So why, for
heaven’s sake would I seek this out? No way!
knew I could not catch it, and would end up having it hit me. Yet I
was forced to partake in PE until age eleven, when I finally got a
doctor’s note in the name of some other random excuse. I still get
goose bumps remembering the sheer dread I would suffer before PE
class. It was so deep and profound that I felt like throwing up. The
teachers called that an attitude.
dreaded discomfort. Raindrops on my head, wet feet, the cold, rocky
beaches, sunlight in my eyes, but I never made much of a fuss as a
tiny child. I didn't even know how to, I guess. I barely have any
memories of being emotional before the age of 6 other than being
physically injured, which was rare, as I was cautious.
fairness, I do remember many things from being under 6, just not
emotions, well… not as much anyway. Later on though, when I was
discomforted, I would get behavioral manifestations. I would tantrum
or ‘melt down’ after school, when I couldn't take any more of a
long, sensory offensive, overloading day.
I got older, things definitely changed. I felt more restless. I had
extremely intense interests, and because I could not understand much
of who I was or what the hell I was wanting or feeling I needed them.
felt weird and overwhelming for me to hug and kiss my family members
all the time as they did, so I wanted to talk obsessively about my
interests to them, instead. I still do this today with my husband.
I became interested in something, I would need to know every aspect
about this thing, this concept. How? When? What type/s?
would get really
into countries, cultures. When I did, say for example, get into
Hungarian culture, I would need to search my family tree in order to
analyze the possibility of having some Hungarian blood. I would want
to find it, and relate. I
would think back to historical times, and make a fantasy.
wanted to understand myself, nobody seemed to like me. I was lonely.
Of course, this behavior only caused further bullying, and often
words like dork geek and weird were used. Thus I had my escape.
another culture, another world
that I have made
myself part of,and, I know everything about it.
loved dolls, but not playing with them like normal little girls. I
loved collecting them. Examining them. In some of my toddler video
footage, I appear to be repetitively examining dolls, opening and
closing their eyes over and over. I guess that's the feminine version
of lining up trucks? I always say, he loved the wheels on trains, I
loved the dress on Alice in Wonderland
to dolls. I loved researching what materials they were made out of,
and what type they would be, their value. Every month, I had
to have a new issue of Doll Maker, and Doll Collector. I
loved to look through the back sections of Doll Collector, to see
which Antique dolls were being sold at good prices. I never got any
of them, of course. But because I couldn't have them, I'd fantasize
about the case if I did, and get high
from the feeling.
opposed to getting angry, upset, and hysterical, or ending up having
an outburst, I would often resort to this. I'd escape into fantasy.
I'd also do things like bite my nails, sometimes until they bled, and
twist my hair.
even occasionally got so frustrated I did have a fit, but I got in
big trouble for it. So I'd try my hardest not to. I knew that
logically, there was no way I could order a 700.00 antique doll as a
child of 9 years old.
had fancy, proper names for all my dolls, because I read baby name
books. I invented personas for each of them, based on all the
excessive and (maybe age-inappropriate) TV I was watching. They
became my friends when no one else would be, but sadly they were all
merely extensions of me and the things that I liked.
I picked out certain personalities and looked up to them, idealized
them. I wrote and scripted fantasy letter to them, in my head, while
pretending that they cared and were interested.
Temple, I knew everything there was to know about her life. I
collected every movie, even the rarest ones. I called every single
video store on the island, until I had the original Baby B tape. I
finally found a copy, at a tiny little video store called Fireside
negotiated with the Fireside Guys to just buy it off of them for
seven bucks, because it's not a popular tape, so nobody will rent it,
right?, And because I
had to have it. I
remember telling them umm just a sec while I yelled to my mother,
they have the tape! They’ll let me buy it! Can we go get it now?
know it sounds like I was a brat, and that I was hopelessly
selfish, but I was just a sad and lonely little girl. In a way, I may
have turned out to be a different person, had I not been through what
was to lie ahead,
had odd fixations on many things, and people. One was on the Gabor
Sisters, Zsa Zsa and Eva Gabor. They were eccentric, Hungarian
celebrity personas that had their day in the 50's and 60's. To this
day I do not understand
why these ladies fascinated me so much. Maybe it was their contrasted
eccentricities. I
think maybe it was the fact that Eva Gabor played the voice of my
favorite character from The
Rescuers, Miss
Bianca, and also, I was studying about Hungary. I loved to
compare and contrast them.
Eva Gabor died in 1994, I went on a truly obsessive bender where
everything related to Eva Gabor in some way, for months. Considering
all this, it does amaze
me, that nobody identified me as an autistic child. I realize my
precocious way with words, and my little-adult-like brightness,
masked it. However, it should have identified it, had anyone actually
known what autism is.
remember reading Zsa Zsa's biography, which was taken away from me
because of inappropriate sexual content. However, because she never
said I had sex with so and so and rather I made love to I literally
thought that's just what she was doing, kissy-kissing her
man-at-the-time. I even had a naive little mental picture.
began to want to act ladylike and imitate Zsa Zsa and glamorous
Madonna. I was 9, but I guess it was more of a 5-year-old thing to
do. Well, both a five year old, and a grown up thing to go. Goes to
show how different autistic development patterns are. I tried to do
make up but I looked like a clown. The kids heckled at me, just as
they had when I glued pennies to the bottom of my shoes in order to
tap like Shirley Temple.
whole time I was trying to be all these other people, and indulge in
all these things, I was just deeply unsatisfied with myself. I was
socially isolated. I actually hated myself entirely.
hated how clumsy I was, how much my teeth stuck out, how messy I was,
how incapable I was of doing anything precisely, nicely and right.
The way that, ironically, I needed it to be.
was constantly preventing emotional meltdowns by disassociating with
how frustrated I really was, much of the time. Or, I would go to my
room, to cry and rock, by myself. Or I would bounce on my bed, and
then trampoline, sometimes throwing myself backwards. I nearly gave
myself whiplash, a couple of times. Today, I have an apparent full
loss of curve in my neck. It might have been my body safeguarding me
from injury.
nobody knew of my secrets, and even if they did know some, they
didn't know what to make of it. I would let nobody in. Nobody but my
current Hamster. I would listen to my music tapes, Charlotte Diamond,
Raffi, cultural and rhythmic music 50 times over. This is the way I
needed it to be.
at school treated me like a freak. The teachers didn't understand how
I could be so bright, yet having all these problems with neatness,
clumsiness and even hygiene.
peers were usually just disgusted in me, for the most part. They
spoke to me in a tone of voice fit for a dog, it seemed. Whenever I
would try to say anything to them, the response was usually
‘Oooooookay’’, and this terrible look that signified a desire
to stay away from it.
did eventually acquire a few fellow-outcast school friends, more
boys, but a couple girls too. Some of them had diagnosed
disabilities, others struggled but had no label. I know they were on
the spectrum. I
remember becoming a huge bully target after spending quite a bit of
time with the two girls in the school who had Down’s syndrome. But
for some reason, I seemed to be the biggest target of them all.
other geeky/different kids were not as heavily bullied as I was, they
were treated more as if they were just not there. Sometimes I felt as
though I was not there too. Maybe that’s why I tried to make social
moves in order to be noticed. This backfired badly.
here I was at the end of my elementary school years with this
quiescent whammy. My own idealistic, obsessive need for precision,
combined with a feeling of pessimistic-doubt-bordering-on-failure
that I could possibly meet that need for myself and Win the game.
developed a self-loathing that made me desire to do everything in my
power to stop acting
like me, and act/talk like the cooler kids. I did so, somewhat
successfully, despite the various prices I paid.
was from a broken home environment, and I had rudimentary emotions.
So I came across some dreadful things that changed me forever. I
became introduced to maladaptive coping, eating disorder, substance
misuse, and vanity as I prettied up from that androgynously awkward
kid. After a while I became neurotic. Script after script, I got
better at cute. Better at charming. Better at hiding, though I was
festering inside. Eventually I couldn't hide. As I hit walls, I got
further hurt, but this was all part of my story. I survived.
my adolescence was dark, painful and nasty, and it only secretly
continued past adolescence. It was in lieu of my building
exasperation as to why.
I know that the way I was as a child holds the core answer.
Everything else happened because I didn't get help, in my childhood,
as I should have.
can relate to some of this. The bullying part to some extent. After a while my problem wasn't so much the bullying itself but the subsequent social phobia that developed in response. I blew events out of proportion, saw people's reactions with a warped perception, mind-read negative reactions, personalized people's reactions when they were nothing to do with me, and otherwise imagined people didn't like me and reacted negatively. Whereever I went - there I was. Thought I'd mention this in case you may find it relevant. Regardless, whether the negative reactions of others.. and our perceptions thereof... are accurate or imagined, the impact on our self image can be devastating. Unfortunately I don't have any "it gets better" story this time, as have been struggling with a lot of these feelings lately. A recent situation where I met an old acquaintance I had not seen for many years, who later rejected my friend request on FB was triggering more recently, although these things can and often do happen to everybody and I can say honestly is not important enough to lose sleep over. Still , when we are already feeling down, these small setbacks can hurt more than they should. I do think whatever we imagine can become a self-fulfilling prophecy so it's definitely worth trying to keep on top of and seek out or continue to seek help if we don't feel we are coping.
ReplyDeleteI relate with you on the above, Neil, and have been afflicted with similar. There's all kinds of "labels" for it but really, it's simply social-emotional-interpersonal "PTSD". Yes, it is so easy to be re-triggered. It happened to me with some of the trolling and some personal traumas in the past year an a bit, and it affected me a lot. Took a while to "get back up." I get it. Also, I have the same self-regulatory insights. It's good we have this, not all do. It helps to overcome, eventually.