May. 26. 2012
This is how I see our "healthcare" (theoretically, based on what I’ve seen, read, heard and experienced):
With a heavy heart and dismal personal experiences,
I ask an important question: What good is a public healthcare system when it is
inadequate. It's not only failing to enhance our quality of lives, but more
scarily, it's failing many of us to unnecessarily premature deaths. It does
this by keeping many potential cures from us, all in the name of saving money,
gaining and retaining profit.
Over the years I've observed such things as: people
begging for referrals, tests, waiting months or even years to see a specialist
who may or may not help them. People are even diagnosed with psychiatric
illnesses in lieu of the underlying physical health issues in which have
caused them in the first place. They are then prescribed psychotropics, putting
them in harms' way as those medications often make the health worse.
With the growing number of chronic illnesses and
allergies on the rise, and the lack of support from our public healthcare
system, once the "pride and joy" of Canada, people are turning
to paying hundreds and thousands out-of-pocket. They become increasingly
desperate to try and regain a dwindling level of functioning.
There's different variation of this nightmare down
south too. I'm not entirely clear on how other healthcare systems
work, but the one thing I'm sure of is Pharma business has predominant involvement
with most, particularly in North America. I've heard apparently terrible
things about the American medical system too.
However, I feel it could be argued that there
are some advantages to it, compared to a system in which is
almost exclusively socialist at the same time as becoming
increasingly (and dangerously) cheap. I can't comment much more
on our southern neighbors’ medical system until I learn more
about it. However, I'll say that in both Canada and the US,
and to varying extents the whole world, a new business has been born: The
Wellness Industry. It preys upon the upper and middle classes, sometimes in
such a restrictive manner that it is only accessible to the Elite, or the
middle class but while leaving them nearly high and dry too.
So what happens to the low-income and working
class citizens? Those who can't afford it at all? Do natural therapies really
need to cost as much as they do? On both ends of Healthcare, Conventional and
Wellness, I feel that the hunger for maximizing profits has gone too far.
It's leaving scores of people without access to the Healthcare they need in order
to improve upon, or even ultimately save, their own lives and purpose.
I mean, is there really less money than ever before
(as is being claimed)?? Or are the profiteers at the top just getting better at
cherry picking and leaving the tree nearly bare? It's so sad; it seems only
greed is born out of the greed. It honestly breaks my heart for so many of us.
In general, most current treatments within the public
healthcare system completely revolve around pharmaceutical drugs. This in itself
seems almost criminal due to one very important reason: we are, for the most
part, being lied to. We are kept from the real causes of supposed
"disorders" as classified in the "textbooks". Keep in mind
these textbooks are predominantly written with the purpose of
"educating", or brainwashing, the physicians whom we entrust our
lives to.
These textbooks, which become key precedents, are
written and used as educational tools. They are written with the motivation of
classifying only that in which can be symptomatically alleviated by a drug once
it has been tested, patented and "approved" by the FDA.
This is part of what safeguards liability, although
we know full well that many pharmaceutical drugs have been directly linked to
scores of illnesses and even deaths, each year. Often, when we complain of
feeling unwell to our public GP, nothing is found via broad-ranging and cheap
blood tests, and other "diagnostic tools.
For the most part, the “textbooks” also tailor
their tools. They are created only to find particularly higher levels indicative
of full-blown disease in its throes. This is, quite literally, risky business;
because it's a gamble as to whether or not the disease will be so progressed
that it's life threatening. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't, but one thing
that's for sure is; it could've been prevented from reaching the level it had
to in order to become "diagnosed."
When we want prevention, and when we are in tune
with our bodies; we sense things. We sense imbalance, and pre-disease. We feel
ill at ease. We want answers so we can do what is sensible, to make the
necessary corrections in order to feel and function better, and to prevent more
acute loss of life quality as well as potential danger.
Instead of being supported when we arrive at this
place, we are often minimized, and even subtly ridiculed. We are made to feel
as though nothing is really "wrong with us”; we are, therefore, hypochondriacs.
This then leaves us feeling completely unsupported, helpless...depressed.
We're put in potential danger all the time. How
does it happen? Our physicians' Big Boss, Pharma business, is proverbially
holding a gun to their head limiting them from ordering too many tests,
particularly when they are not likely to pinpoint a result indicative of a
disease in which is treatable with a drug.
This is because it's big business and these people
will not risk losing profits and/or not getting paid for the "investment"
they are putting out ie. diagnosis of a drug-treatable illness in its full
severity. They certainly do not want to risk losing their investment to
over-testing, so they often under-test and leave we civilians at risk for
illnesses caught too late.
Pre-disease, although it may cause many discomfort
to the point of impaired functioning, is not a red-flag warning sign of an
significant, severe or even eventually terminal illness. It is usually not
severe enough to be responsive to the drug treatments. If it is, if will be
paid more attention to; but at that point it's crossed over from
pre-disease/imbalance to actual "disease."
If it's not yet disease, it is likely to be denied.
This is the way mainstream, public healthcare is right now. This is why many
people who want and need to feel better have to turn elsewhere, in whatever
ways they can.
In addition, drug "treatment" of
pre-diseases can do a lot more harm than good. The same goes for chronic
illness, actually, and this is why public treatments for chronic illness are so
incredibly substandard; riddled with side effects and thus overly harmful.
Medical intervention is built to be effective for
acute and more serious illness (when the benefit outweighs the risk.) However
chronic illnesses and/or pre-diseases are better-treated naturopathic ally,
with preventative and reversing measures, all of which are not profitable to
Pharma Business.
This is why chronic illnesses, such as auto immune
and hormonal, are not taken very seriously by physicians (at least until they
become more severe) and the patient is therefore often "left to rot"
in their discomfort and agony; until they become more seriously ill.
Even then, prescribed "Band-Aid" and
further damaging
"solutions" such as pain, sleep and even
psychotropic medications may treat the symptoms, but come with a price; doing even
more damage in their wake. Even when certain treatments, such as hormonal, can
"work" for some, possibly at the price of, let's say, eventual
osteoporosis (as in the case of Synthroid) they won't work for many.
These "treatments" are often riddled with
some very unpleasant side effects that are not worth experiencing for any
reason. However, patients are told that this is acceptable.
They are so heavily, and manipulatively reassured
of this that they become willing to put up what really isn't necessary, and is
actually not acceptable or right.
We are individual and biologically varied human
beings. Natural, integrative and private pay doctors always take this into
consideration. This is a fact, which is so blatantly obvious
to me, but frustratingly, deeply denied by your average GP.
So what happens when the drugs don't
"work"? (And keep in mind; even if they may seem to work, they are
often doing further damage to the underlying cause/s of one's symptoms.) We then
turn, in desperation, to the Wellness industry.
When we turn to Wellness, they are there for
certain. They are there they are with open arms and high fees for their
services, in which are much more accurate and adequate. When we can't afford
that, we may do as I've done in the quest for the return of our optimal
functioning. We may enact self-help research and self-administered
Then, we spend purchasing supplements and health
foods, hoping that through trial and error, we'll find the right ones and be
able to at least be alleviated enough to "keep functioning."
We are particularly motivated to do this if we feel
that we couldn't keep our jobs, or parent our young ones, if we are too
debilitated. This is the case for me, as it is for many; and that's why I find
it ludicrous to have been accused of "imagining" what I work so hard
to upkeep. If I wanted to imagine, I'd probably want the pity and the
medications to boot. The imagining thing just doesn't fit with the nature of my
response to my health and functioning.
Although in many cases enacting self-help treatment
is less costly than hiring a Naturopathic Doctor, it is still costly too. It is
also without the guarantee of accuracy. No matter how smart you may be playing
"doctor" with yourself always holds the frustrating risk of wasting
your money and in some cases, even further harming your health.
Self help either be taken in the wrong direction,
thus harming by creating further imbalance, or; it can even semi-work but mask
a potentially serious developing illness. It's a risk that many take, because
they/we are left with no choice. We are cornered into having to do whatever we
can to function for the sake of survival, in the face of doctors not listening
to us.
Self help treatment can be beneficial, sometimes
always, and at least for the short term. It's ok for people who are mostly in
good, or at least reasonable health, people who have mild little health quirks
here and there. However, for people dealing with bona fide complex, chronic
illness, self-help treatment can be very exhausting.
Though it can be enacted when there is no choice
(and many, like me, will take this over the awful drugs); it is not ideal.
When if comes to health issues such as systemic
autoimmune disease, and other similar chronic but, significant conditions, the
guidance of a naturopathic/integrative team is what's best. It's also what's
safest; and this is why things so badly need to change, especially in the face
of these illnesses becoming epidemic.
There are also additional things that we cannot
just "help ourselves" with, such as the alleviation of chronic
migraines due to severe neck tension or chronic pain due to sports and other
wear-and-tear injuries. We are pretty limited in giving ourselves certain
therapies, especially physical ones (other than therapeutic exercise; which
isn't often enough when you have chronic damage and/or injuries.)
What's even worse about the self help measures is
that although they may at times be quite helpful, they often leave us broke
and/or stressing out over a difficult game of prioritizing. This is where the
nutritional and vitamin supplement companies take advantage, overpricing their
well-marketed nutritional supplements and higher-quality products.
We can especially see this in certain markets such
as the Gluten-free industry. An example is so-and-so (no mention of names)
making a gluten free cookie out of the cheapest non-gluten flours (e.g.
sorghum) and then charging as much as $10.00 for a box of them. This is over
three times the amount of a conventional box of cookies. This is why (my
family and I are gluten free) I seldom buy any of it, and simply make my own
gluten free treats at home. I could go on with many other examples but
honestly, it's just painful.
Sometimes I wish I'd never learned what I know now.
However, I can't help but ask "why" and I've always been this way.
I'm ultimately grateful that I do see it this way, as helpless as I may feel
much of the time. On a more positive note, I'll add that there are (often in
between the lines) glimmers of hope regarding managing chronic illness
naturally, and on a budget. I'm still testing those waters now and would
like to write more when I arrive at more concrete solutions.
What motivated me, as could be guessed, are my own
chronic health issues. I continue to be on an epic quest to remiss myself of
what I feel is really hindering my life's potential. Working within my limits
is a massive brain tease, in which has sometimes seemed as harmful as my
illness itself. I'm now being classified as "Fibromyalgia" syndrome
simply because I have an umbrella cluster of symptoms that vaguely
I've been tested a little, and sometimes continue
to be; but it's pretty limited. The limits of course exclude more specific and
expensive tests that may be ideal for my safety. I feel this deeply in my gut,
and coupled with what I know; it's hard to sit with. My own mother ended up
with leukemia after years of being minimized and under-tested. I feel that more
through testing may actually provide me with the answers I seek, but in my
financial position; I am powerless to change this, at this time.
Ultimately, both the budgets and the egos of these
medical clinicians have gotten in the way of potentially helping a
young, 26 year old mother of two small children. This happens all the time.
It's all because they are cheap, as we know; and also they don't like the fact
that a young woman can (gasp!) could possibly show them up on in her ideas
about what’s going on. How dare I, right? It’s only my body and my empirical
experience… combined with new and up to date research based findings on these
things, in which they refuse to look at.
It's amazing how powerfully ego, and fear too, can
get in the way of compassion. It's amazing how little they listen, if one
doesn't have a degree; even though people are capable of being genuinely smart
without one, and even though one's own empirical experience with their own
body should hold some validity. However, it doesn't seem to. I am not the
only one who has to live this experience; I am one of so many.
All I really want is freedom. All I really want is
to not be in pain, to not feel so fighting for energy, with this underlying
physical weakness to not be so prone to injury, to not be so limited with what
I eat. I long to not be ruled by my mostly limited, fluctuating energy levels,
my imbalanced blood sugars and my finicky, sometimes painfully reactive gut.
All of the former affects my executive functioning, which I am always, in one way
or another, struggling with, due to my ASC.
I long to not be a slave to my own body's upkeep,
in order to keep it from entirely letting me down. I would love to have more
energy and stamina to get outdoors for hikes and to play more hands-on with my
sons, more often.
Most important of all, I would love to not have to
drag myself around the house, fighting for the next adrenalin surge, in a
desperate struggle to meet my responsibilities of being a wife, mother and
eventually a self employed artist and writer. I have hopes. I have dreams.
In the case where you just can't control something,
it's sometimes best to try some acceptance…whether it is by spiritual means or
not. I always forget this very simple one, and I'll admit it's difficult for
me. I have this logical brain in which thinks into things and tried
to find the "solutions" that can't always be found. If
logic points to dismal, it's hard to find joy.
I find that in those situations writing
poetry, music, or doing some is alleviating. Sometimes even just watching a
movie. Although my brain often tries to interfere, I do believe in a
metaphysical higher power. I have been in many situations of danger, in which I
feel a guardian angel must have been with me, so I have come to "believe."
In fact, I always have. Faith is all I have sometimes.
I am but an insidiously autistic, currently
stay-at-home mother and wife, battle/over performance survivor, aspiring poet,
singer and songwriter, and without a formal education...*sigh* Now
that I'm asking these questions I feel compelled to study this area, on an
economic level, before I throw out more specific opinions on how exactly
gaps could be bridged. How can these systems change, how can they reform? Is
there hope? Is there a way?
Still I think there are ways to restore justice to
our Healthcare systems. The current injustices in Healthcare are a lot to do
with mentality; old world thinking and Greed. I understand that everybody needs
to make a living and therefore a profit. However, I think there are better and
fairer ways to do so, especially in an industry that deals with the
most personal: our healthcare.
Scarlit-Rose Ashcraft
aka "Rosie"
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